Monday 16 November 2009

Gone bloggin'

The winds of change have been sweeping through the knitting blogverse recently, rattling windows, flapping washing on the line, blowing dust from corners and sweeping the debris from nooks and crannies long untouched and uncared for.

Writers of blogs I’ve loved have either shut up shop entirely, or stopped posting very often. As for me, I’ve barely knit a stitch for the past year, let alone written about it.

I’m not quite ready to hang up my hat, pack up my yarn, and say goodbye to the corner of the blogverse that I've built for myself, but this little bloglet has run its course. I don’t knit enough any more to sustain just a knitblog, lots of things have changed both for me and the world since I started writing here, and I find myself wanting to post about other things – things like this recent entry that somehow didn’t sit quite right with this softly worn old blog.

So, in the spirit of this spring-into-autumn clean, I’ve moved to a new address, and am slowly furnishing it with new posts and the odd knick-knack. There will be knitting, but also cooking, random thoughts and medical conundrums, poems and adventures and all the things I get up to. So if you feel like it any time, stop by!

1 comment:

Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!